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Chester d @ChillyCheese

Age 30


Joined on 6/2/06

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Oh hi

Posted by ChillyCheese - February 22nd, 2009

hi i m new to thiz syt. hi.


I love you too.

Lets get naked





Dude, fawx sucks ass at any sort of art, why is it that everybody under the age
of 15 loves fawx so unconditionally, his style is played out

Hate to knock you off of your throne, but your art is pretty terrible.

It's pretty sad how pretentious you're being for how little you know about drawing.

I know more then you and fawx put together, if anyone is pretentious
its fawx, and your no better seeing as how you will blindly attack
anybody who so much as sneezes on your "Idol"

Wait, you think you're also better at drawing than me too?

Please, show me your best drawing, I could use a good laugh.

Also, I'm not blindly attacking you, I read the whole argument, and I'm siding with fawx, because I think your a douche, AND wrong.

EDIT:I forgot to mention something.

You say his style is so "played out", when you yourself draw a bunch of anime shit.

yes "anime" and shit. it still tops fawxs squiggly ass line
lazy muffin rip off style. and yes my good friend
when your 14 your art = fail, its just a rule
but never fear because when your 14 you = douche
so have fun with that for the next 2 or 3 years

If you weren't a dumbass then you would know that art has nothing to do with age.

You're a whole 2 years older than me and that suddenly makes everything you do better? Oh please, how ignorant are you? Pablo Picasso,(I'm not comparing my self to him) mastered realism at the age of 13.

Your art is awful, I just watched the crotch kick collab just to look at it. Your lines are shoddy as fuck, and you have no knowledge of color.

If you really think your better at drawing than me, then show me something that you call your best.

i'll obey

Thats from when Kemcab hacked me, I still haven't taken it down.

first off. animation art is diffrent then
drawn art. if all you know of my art
is through my animation then you are mistaken.
I do my animation so that it is easier to animate.
because I havent had enough pratice yet. now I
am now saying that fawx isnt a bad artist. infact
in his style he is good. I just have a distaste for
that style. so saying you are better then someone
(on reflection) is a lie. because everyone uses a
diffrent style. also by saying that my art sucks.
you have officially lost all credibility when you
talk to me. my style just happens to be diffrent
its a more comic style. because thats how I
tought myself. hell I admit that I hardly learned
anything from art classes. thats because almost
nobody learns anything truely useful from an
art class. all good art is self tought.....or ripped
off and mutated lol. before i was just speaking
out of anger. but now I got a better veiw of things
(by the way. in this arguement you, sir. are the aggresser
anyway you look at it. my spat with fawx was none of
your buisiness). now onto the subject of people
under the age of 15 being bad at "art" i admit that
this MAY not be true. but for the most part it is.
now. when im talking about art Critiqueing 14 year
olds are probably the worst. because all of you
(again, may not be true) are extreeeeemely opinionated.
to another besides yourself my "shody lines" may
seem brillantly origional. to another my
"lack of acknowledgement of color" may seem
stylized. so in short. art is in the eye of the beholder
(well then that was an extremely long comment)

Okay, I'm just gonna answer this in a list because your comment is so long.

1."animation art is diffrent then drawn art"

-True, but someone who is good at it will be able to use minimalism, and still make it look good.

2."so saying you are better then someone (on reflection) is a lie."

-Not true, I know for a fact that I am better than me little cousin. One can have more knowledge in art than another, style is just skewing the world in different ways to how you like, in my opinion. But even if you are changing how it looks it still has to have the same proportions. And knowledge of the proportions is necessary, even if something is stylized.

3."also by saying that my art sucks.you have officially lost all credibility when you
talk to me."

-As said before, style has nothing to do with skill.

4."nobody learns anything truely useful from an art class"

-You learn a heap of technical skill that is incredibly useful, so I'm not sure what your talking about.

5."now onto the subject of people under the age of 15 being bad at "art" i admit that this MAY not be true. but for the most part it is."

-Absolutely not true, there are plenty of great 14 year artists, or artists that use to be 14, and were great when they were.

6."Critiqueing 14 year olds are probably the worst. because all of you (again, may not be true) are extreeeeemely opinionated."

-Anyone who is into art will give you a good critique, regardless of age. Anyone who is a dumbass with give you shitty critique, regardless of age.
Besides, critiquing is opinions backed up by facts.

7."besides yourself my "shody lines" may seem brillantly origional. toanother my "lack of acknowledgement of color" may seem stylized. so in short. art is in the eye of the beholder"

To a degree, "art is in the eye of the beholder", but only a small child would would think shoddy line-work is original, and only a child would think bad colors are stylized.

Technical still means something, saying that bad line-work is stylized is a terrible excuse for the lack of quality.

well we all have our opinions dont we, btw. when
I did that part for kick in the crotch it was atleast.......
about.....hmm......4 months ago I think so I learned
a bit since then. anyway I said most people under 15
suck. but then again the people that you know arnt
most when you look at the total amount of people
who are under 15. and true, someone can be better
but among practiced artists its all opinion. unless
that person gets nothing out of practice. also
I wasnt really saying the work I did on crotch kick
was that good. infact in the start of all this I mentioned
my part sucked, I was just makeing an example there
still I respect your thought out awnser

"I said most people under 15
suck. but then again the people that you know arnt
most when you look at the total amount of people
who are under 15."

Most of the people in the world suck, most arent artists regardless of age.

I soppose that was the point then

h@y b0i r u 3V3R 0n @1m??////

ttly i m 0n all th3 tym b4yb33.

I just saw Mexifry's banner and had to look up your deviantart.





Why thank you, it's always nice to know someone thinks my stuff is NICE.

so, umm... If you were a dinosaur, which one would you be?

Well if I wanted to be original, I would pick something other than a velociraptor, but i'm not, so I pick Shark.

i had no idea you were fourteen

this is a lie and i know it

No lie, you know it. BALLIN.